miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Words for the Music Podcast

·         Frontman: the person who pops up to your head when thinking of the band,  tipycally the lead singer. Also the person who is at front in the stage

·         Pummel: to beat, as with the fists

·         Forthcoming: something unexpected planned to occur

·         Courtly: Elegant, refined

·         Euphemism: The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive. (Ignacious definition: a word or phrase that is used instead of a vulgar term)

·         Ruckus: A disturbance in something (in a song)

·         Unbridled: uncontrolled, unrestrained

·         Aesthetic: outer appearance of something and its beauty. Music: Structure of something.

·         Shambling: move with a slow, shuffling awkward pace

·         Lowdown: “what is the information”

·         Stammer: a tendency to talk with involuntary pauses and repeat the initial letters of word.

·         Shoegaze: to play a musical instrument while looking at one's shoes, esp. a guitar

Steam rolling: to bring a lot of overwhelming force.

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